Recycling Now Available on Lopez Island

Art by Nancy Bingham

Art by Nancy Bingham

Thanks to a partnership between one concerned mom and her local solid waste district, car seat recycling is now available on Lopez Island!

Lopez Island resident and car seat safety advocate Becca Peter noticed that expired car seats were being brought into the Lopez Solid Waste Disposal District (LSWDD)’s Take It or Leave It shop. Families didn’t want to throw away their bulky car seats, which Becca understood. But she also knew that they weren’t safe to be used once they had reached their expiration date.

The Old Car Seat, New Life team was able to introduce Becca to a recycler who could accept dismantled car seats from her. Now, with her new strap cutter in hand, she collects car seats from LSWDD and dismantles them in her house. When she has a full load, she hauls them to the recycler. So far she has recycled approximately 40 seats, successfully keeping them out of the landfill while also helping improve child safety.

We at Old Car Seat, New Life salute Becca for her commitment to children’s safety and the environment. You are a reminder that one person can make a big difference!

Have a car seat to recycle on Lopez Island? More info available on our “Where Do I Recycle My Seat?” page.