161 Seats and Counting!

Our first car seat reuse and recycling drive at the Sustainable Ballard Festival was a great success, bringing in a total of 161 seats – 18 to be reused and 143 to recycle. That’s a lot of seats diverted from the landfill!
Thanks to volunteers from CoolMom, Zero Waste Washington, the Girl Scouts and the Seattle Academy of Arts and Sciences, the seats were all stripped of their covers and straps before we closed the trailer door at the end of the day. This was no small feat if you’ve sat down with a moldy car seat recently!
A special thanks to Jackson Remodeling for donating their truck for collecting the reusable seats and for transporting them to Westside Baby where they will be checked by a car seat technician and given to families in need.
Thank you also to Total Reclaim, our recycling partner, who agreed to collect the seats from this drive as part of a pilot test to learn more about how to process car seats for recycling. We hope to use information from this event to build a more permanent and on-going solution.